Monday, July 9, 2012

Memory or I Forgot

The other day Hubby asked me why he doesn't remember many things. I forgot why he asked me that though.But it did start me thinking why we remember some things but not others. I remember some things in my life but forgot a lot of others. I think we remember important events but not the mundane. I lived overseas as a child & my family did travel a lot but I don't remember it. Is it because that was just my day to day life? I tell Hubby that if everything went smoothly then you wouldn't remember it. Remember all the awful vacations? I bet you don't remember the perfect vacations. Someone told me that it's not your memory that's bad, it's your recall that's bad. Sorry, I can't remember who told me that. So enjoy the memories! (even the bad vacations)

1 comment:

  1. Our brain basically is overloaded ~ I try to honor them all ~ as Bob Hope used to say ~ 'Thanks for the Memories' ~ ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)
