Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mergie's Folly Again

  Trying something new. Wow. That's what I am doing. I am selling bracelets at a craft show. This is all so scary for me. I am so unsure. Hesitant. Doubtful. Nervous. What If?  But I also know if I don't try, then I'll never know. I have always been a careful person. I don't like to "rock the boat". I like my feet on the ground. Not a risk taker. So this is a huge thing for me. It's all called Mergie's Folly. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Meg, sorry I am not around very often lately with to many things going on which still need to be solved under a huge time pressure. I love the French word folly. May I however suggest a new title for your blog post?
    ""Sometimes we have to be our own heros""
    Careful is ok
    weighting financial, emotional risk is healthy
    blogging about the insecurity publicly is courageous
    going out and doing what you planned to do is leaving the comfort zone - needed to grow.
    Lady Meg, I think you have done well. I think to be nice and gentle with oneself pays in the long run!
